Previously, on St. Elsewhere...

Simon(e) writes...
> But of course, I'm sure you already know what makes
> good language design, because otherwise you wouldn't
> be mouthing off in here...

Why is it that "Me" is *mouthing off*, but you're not? Why is that?
What makes you so *special*? The fact you wrote a Perl book?!
A book with more typographical errors than it has pages? *Zut!*

"Me" may be s/wrong/clueless/... but I don't think any one of you
has actually understood what he/she is talking about.  "Me" is at
least one level of abstraction higher than all of the rebuttals that
have been fired back in this thread. 

That's why "Me" mentioned *wavelength* in a previous post...

That being said - I am not disgreeing with s/you/Sam/Peter/etc/...
mySQL...together with *PHP4 and Zend* the only way to go!

Right or wrong, "Me" or *you* for that matter...has the same right
to post to this list...Otherwise, it should be a private list, perhaps:

>"Larry Wall, Damian and the Acolytes of Doom debating Perl6"


>"Just how much $foo can dance on the head of a dot operator"

Is that you really want? "Why can't we (cough...) just get along?"
Think about it (for a change...).

Now for something *completely* different...

Simon(e) writes...
> You're (that's to say, the person at
> who is not prepared to reveal their real name)...

If you want to know who he (or she!) is, pls send me email off-list.
Hint: "Me" might just be the first two letters in "their" family name...
Example: "Me----"
Or, maybe not...

Must dash!  --  Vijay


"He was always a miserable child. Oxford was just our excuse."


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