On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 11:57:25AM +0100, Bart Lateur wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Jan 2002 15:43:07 -0500, Damian Conway wrote:
> >What we're cleaning up is the ickiness of having things declared outside
> >the braces be lexical to the braces. *That's* hard to explain to beginners.
> But it's handy. And that was, until now, what mattered with Perl.

No, handiness still matters with Perl. It's just that the balance has
tipped a wee bit towards the consistency/regularity/simplicity/whatever
side of the scale. 

Besides no one has commented on Steve Fink's (I think it was him) idea
to store the result of the most recently executed conditional in $?. I
kinda like that idea myself. It makes mnemonic sense.

But then I'm sure that someone will come out of the woodwork and say
"What about if ((my $a = foo()) && ($b < 4)) ?" or something.  To
which I'd say "Fooey!"  I personally don't think that an extra set of
curlies are too high a price for getting rid of weird scoping rules.
But that's just me.

Jonathan Scott Duff

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