begin quote from Rafael Garcia-Suarez:
> Out of curiosity, what kind of parser do you intend to write ? A
> Parse::RecDescent one ?


> Have you an idea about what will be the 'final'
> parser for the Perl 6 compiler ? (LALR(1), like Perl 5 ?)
Yep, LALR1, probably yacc generated. 

> Side-note about whitespace. This is going to be tricky, because of the
> DWIMery involved by the end-of-line on some constructs (do{}, IIRC).

I know. This ought to be handled by '{' and '}', but it currently isn't.

> IMHO, Perl6::Tokener->toke() should not return whitespace to the parser
> (currently it returns (undef)x2, if I understand correctly), but should
> trigger some internal state change on \n (or whatever a end-of-line may
> be). So, it can insert a fake ';' token after "do { ... }\n" for the
> parser.

That's one way to do it, but I think it's probably easier to look ahead
after '}'.

A debugged program is one for which you have not yet found the conditions
that make it fail.
                -- Jerry Ogdin

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