On Tue, 4 Jun 2002, Dave Mitchell wrote:
> Having said that, I have real, real doubts that Perl 6 will ever be able
> to execute Perl 5 code natively. Its not just a case a writing a new
> parser and some P5-specific ops; P5 has so many special features, boundary
> conditions and pecularies, that to get P6 to execute P5 is a task
> equivalent to reimplementing P5 from scratch. I'm wondering if instead,
> we continue to maintain the P5 src tree, and embed P5 within P6 (embed in
> the sense of Apache and Mod_perl). Sick and ugly, but maybe more practical
> than the alternatives. It also means that the P6 src doesn't have to be
> saddled with knowing (much) about P5.  Eventually of course the P5 bit
> would have to be thrown away.

That's exactly what I've been arguing for all along.  Grr....

And that's why I see the "package" hack and the new :p5 modifier as
having the weight of two features, not the weight of an entire
re-implementation of Perl 5.

It's really not that difficult to run two interpreters in the
same process.  I already made Perl and Java run together nicely.
If anything the impedence mismatch between Perl 5 and Perl 6 will be
even less.

Scaffolding is supposed to be ugly.  You wouldn't believe how ugly
the transitional form between Perl 4 and Perl 5 was, when half the
opcodes were interpreted by the old stacked interpreter, and half by
the new stackless one.


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