On Sat, 2002-08-31 at 07:07, Damian Conway wrote:
> Aaron Sherman wrote:
> > Is C<\n> going to be a rule (e.g. C<< <eol> >>)
> There might be an named rule like that. But C<\n> will certainly
> still be available.
> > or is it implicitly translated to:
> > 
> >     <[\x0a\x0d...]>+
> No. It will be equivalent to:
>       <[\x0a\x0d...]>
> (no repetition)

Didn't A5 or E5 say that C<\n> was going to match sequences like
C<\x0d\x0a> so that file formats that treat this as EOL would be
supported natively? Was this a mistake? If it's not a mistake, then is
there a way to minimally match "the first end-of-line character,
regardless of what follows it (even if it's another end-of-line

That was the crux of my question.

On the union operator stuff, thanks; I'd forgotten about that.

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