Brent Dax wrote:

Can the new nefarious use be concat?  Pretty please?
There was a brief period 18 months ago when tilde *was* the designated
Perl 6 concatenation operator.

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it return to that role, now that
it's not needed elsewhere. And, of course, that would actually be:

	$x ~ $y		string concatentation
	$x ~= $y	string append
	~$x		stringification

I guess the only concern is the potential for nasty surprises between:

	$str =~ s/a/b/;     substitute a for b in $str


	$str ~= s/a/b/;     substitute a for b in $_ and append result to $str

But I guess that's no worse than:




which doesn't seem to be a problem for people in Perl 5.


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