Really what I've been wishing for was an operator (or whatever) to let me do an
s// without changing the variable.

print 'He said "'_($statement ~ s/\.$//)_'," but we didn't believe him.';

I'm not sure exactly what the semantics would be, but somehow =~ without the =
seems's always seemed annoying to have to make a new variable
for things like that, instead of being able to do it in place.  But then,
perhaps that isn't justification for an entire operator so much as 


or something....

Mental note: no more postings right before bed.

> Brent Dax wrote:
> > Can the new nefarious use be concat?  Pretty please?
> There was a brief period 18 months ago when tilde *was* the designated
> Perl 6 concatenation operator.
> I certainly wouldn't mind seeing it return to that role, now that
> it's not needed elsewhere. And, of course, that would actually be:
>       $x ~ $y         string concatentation
>       $x ~= $y        string append
>       ~$x             stringification
> I guess the only concern is the potential for nasty surprises between:
>       $str =~ s/a/b/;     substitute a for b in $str
> and:
>       $str ~= s/a/b/;     substitute a for b in $_ and append result to $str
> But I guess that's no worse than:
>       $x-=10;
> and
>       $x=-10;
> which doesn't seem to be a problem for people in Perl 5.
> Damian

Adam Lopresto ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

Falls don't kill people. It's the deceleration trauma.

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