$accumulator += +X10;

Looks like hex arithmetic.


--- Michael Lazzaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay, take 4, with 'X' meaning xor, so you can see it in context.  I 
> warn ya, I'm gonna keep doing this until there's a "Final" version,
> for 
> some value of "Final".  ;-)  Again, I'm wondering if we're going
> about 
> this wrong way -- perhaps we need to go to more effort to save ^ as 
> xor, and use something different for hypers, like h<+> or h[+] or `+
> or 
> ~+ or ~~+, etc?
> (I'm just leaving some of the questionable ops in for now, it's
> easier 
> to take them out later than re-add them for the various iterations.)
> unary (prefix) operators:
>    \     - reference to
>    *     - list flattening
>    ?     - force to bool context
>    !     - force to bool context, negate
>    not   - force to bool context, negate
>    +     - force to numeric context
>    -     - force to numeric context, negate
>    +X    - force to numeric context, complement
>    ~     - force to string context
>    ~X    - force to string context, complement
>    .     - method call on current topic
>    ++    - preincrement
>    --    - predecrement
> unary (postfix) operators:
>    ++    - postincrement
>    --    - postdecrement
>    ...   - [maybe] same as ..Inf
> other postfix operators:
>    ()    - (when operator is expected)
>    []    - array access
>    {}    - hash access
> magical whitespace modifier
>    _     - remove whitespace/newline
> hyperoperators:
>    ^     - as prefix to any unary/binary operator, "vectorizes" the 
> operator
> binary operators:
>    +    -    *    /    %    **    x    xx    ~
>    +=   -=   *=   /=   %=   **=   x=   xx=   ~=
>    <    >    <=   >=   ==   !=   <=>
>    lt   gt   le   ge   eq   ne   cmp
>    &&    ||    XX    //          - boolean operations
>    &&=   ||=   XX=   //=
>    and   or    xor   err
>    .&    .|    .X    <<    >>    - bitwise operations
>    .&=   .|=   .X=   <<=   >>=   - [maybe charwise too]
>    ~&    ~|    ~X    ~<    ~>    - [maybe] charwise operations
>    ~&=   ~|=   ~X=   ~<=   ~>=
>    ?&    ?|    ?X               - [maybe] C-like bool operations
>    ?&=   ?|=   ?X=              - (result is always just 1 or 0)
>     &     |     X               - superpositional operations
>     &=    |=    X=              - intersection, union, disjunction
>                       !         - [maybe]
>    all   any   one   none
>    sum   prod  cat   reduce
>     ~~      !~                  - smartmatch, perl5 =~, !~
>    like   unlike                - [maybe]
>    =>   - pair creator
>    ,    - list creator
>    ;    - "greater comma", list-of-lists creator
>    :    - adverbial
>    .    - method call
>    ..   - range
>    ...  - [maybe] range, exclusive of endpoint
>    =    - assignment
>    :=   - binding
>    ::=  - binding, but more so
> trinary operator:
>    ?? ::    - if/else
> parens, misc, and quotelike operators
>    ()
>    []    - [when term is expected]
>    {}    - [when term is expected]
>    m//   - shorthand, "matches"
>    s///  - shorthand, "substitute"
>    tr/// - shorthand, "transliterate"
>    '...'  "..."   `...`   /.../   << >>
>      q     qq      qx      rx      qw     [qm?]
>                         (+ qr ?)
>    <...>        - readline
>    (heredocs)   - [exact format unknown]
> named unary (prefix) operators, terms, and other assorteds,
> identified
> when possible:
>    -X        - [op] filetest operators
>    temp      - [op]
>    let       - [op]
>    ref       - [op]
>    defined   - [op]
>    undef     - [op]
>    undef     - [term]
>    exists    - [op]
>    delete    - [op]
>    but       - [op] val properties
>    ${ }      - [deref] dereference scalarref
>    @{ }      - [deref]
>    %{ }      - [deref]
>    &{ }      - [deref]
>    ...       - [term] yada**3
>    Inf       - [term]
>    Nan       - [term]
>    is        - [declar] var properties
>    ->        - [declar] like 'sub'
>    hash      - [declar] force hash context
> explicit radix specifications for integers:
>      0123            - decimal
>    2:0110            - binary     [also b:0110?]
>    8:123             - octal      [also o:123?]
>    16:123            - hex        [also h:123?]
>    256:   - base 256
>    (...etc...)
> other uncategorized:
>    my     our     - [declar]
>    map    grep
>    sqrt   log       sin     cos      tan  (etc...)   - math
>    lc     lcfirst   uc      ucfirst
>    int    ord       oct     hex       bin
> MikeL

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