On Mon, 2002-10-28 at 16:25, Michael Lazzaro wrote:

> explicit radix specifications for integers:
>      0123            - decimal
>    2:0110            - binary     [also b:0110?]
>    8:123             - octal      [also o:123?]
>    16:123            - hex        [also h:123?]
>    256:   - base 256
>    (...etc...)

I've got to admit that I've not paid alot of attention to this
thread...but does that mean 0x1234 and 01234 (octal) go away or is this
an omission?  

Brian Wheeler

> other uncategorized:
>    my     our     - [declar]
>    map    grep
>    sqrt   log       sin     cos      tan  (etc...)   - math
>    lc     lcfirst   uc      ucfirst
>    int    ord       oct     hex       bin
> MikeL

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