On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Austin Hastings wrote:

> Hell, we might as well throw in multiple dispatch.

        Actually, I am really hoping we do.

> Any of you OO guys know of a case where
> $a = $a + $b;   # @A [+]= @B; --> @A = @A [+] @B;
> and
> $a += $b;       # @A [+=] @B;
> should be different?

        Any time that evaluating $a produces a side effect--for example,
if $a is a tied variable implementing a counter and increments itself by
one every time its value is fetched.  If it started with a value of 5,
then $a += 3 leaves it with a value of 8, but $a = $a + 3 leaves it with a
value of 9.

Dave Storrs

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