--- Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
> : For this version of the operator list, (since I am unsure that
> _every_ 
> : unary/binary op has a meaningful hyper, and some tentatively have 
> : _two_) I have placed all of them in EXPLICITLY.  Please check that
> I 
> : didn't miss any, or put any in that are incorrect.
> The problem with cut-and-paste of the regular table is that all the
> errors are copied too.
> Maybe we should just say that you can put it anywhere that makes
> sense,
> and let the perl parser sort out the sheep from the goats.  The basic
> rule is that for any op, [op] is also expected in the same place.  So
> if the user defines a postfix:! for factorial, they automatically get
> _[!] for that as well.

What is the correct order of specification for vectorized postfix
operators versus indices?

@subset = @biglist[++][$min .. $max];
@subset = @biglist[$min .. $max][++];

I think the second one suggests (and this should probably be supported,
for the taglinenoise crowd, if no one else) that the postincrement
applies only to the subrange.


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