Larry Wall writes:
 > On Thu, 31 Oct 2002, Me wrote:
 > : That's one reason why I suggested control of this sort
 > : of thing should be a property of the operation, not of
 > : the operands.
 > I think that by and large, the operator knows whether it wants to
 > do union or intersection.  When you're doing «+», it's obviously
 > union that you want, with undef defaulting to 0.  And «//» would
 > want intersection.
 > Larry

so is really going to the direction that many "official" operators
will be "wysiwig" Unicode staff like  «+» , and then for some slice of the
comunity there will be ( TeX - like ?? ) ascii shortcuts , because we
need them ( what was the length of the tread to figure out how to
write and read them ) . So perl take placeholders from Mathematica ,
vector operations from Matlab , and greek and all other funny
characters from TeX : 

use TeX;
@\gamma = @\alpha  \hyper[\sum] @\beta ;    

arcadi .

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