Me writes:
 > >  > > > union: 
 > >  > > > intersection :
 > >  > > 
 > >  > > %a ^is strict_keys;
 > >  > > %b ^is no_strict_keys;
 > > 
 > > in the resulting hash only ( and all ) keys of %a will be present. 
 > > because %b *admits* unknown keys but %a does not. 
 > Yes, but the general case is that one wants to be
 > able to control nuances of (hyper)operations, and
 > Larry introduced adverbs for precisely that reason.
 > Just because one can get away with controlling this
 > particular issue via noun adjectives (variable properties)
 > does not mean one should. (Although, conversely, just
 > because adverbs seem more more appropriate in this
 > case doesn't mean one shouldn't for some reason use
 > properties as you suggest.)

there is one mor epossibility : 

temp sub infix:^[<op>] is force_hash_to_intersect ; 

( I'm compleatly not sure about that sintax )

sinse "vectorization" of any op is orthogonal concept to details of
that particular op , maybe we can controll behavior of that
vectorization  by ( ...? ) properties . 

we need it not only for hashes ; 
maybe somebody will wont  ( 1,2 ) ^[op] ( 1, 2, 3 ) to return array of 
length 3 ; 


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