> Maybe. I slightly prefer the first line right now.
> But it's close, and I think I've gotten too used to
> both notations to know what I'd think if I saw one
> or other for the first time, and I don't know what
> I'd think after a month of use of one or other. As
> I said, it's close. This will defintely be my last
> email on the topic...


> There's a couple other reasons to go for ^[op].
> One is that [] is more obviously indicative to a
> newbie that there is some array aspect to how
> the op applies than ^ (or backtick) would be.

I think that this advantage pales to the cost of having to type three characters
every single time someone has to use a vector operation. Its just as easy
for a newbie to say 'aha! ^ means array!'.

> Another is that bracketing works better to indicate
> the difference between the two ...= variants that
> might be useful:
>     @a ^[+=] @b
>     @a ^[+]= @b # vectorize the +, not the =
>     @a ^+= @b
>     @a ^+^= @b # vectorize the +, not the = ?!?

Ok, I can sort of see this, but what the #%@@$ do both of these things mean? I 
can see @a ^+= @b meaining

$a[0]  += $b[0]
$a[0]  += $b[1]
$a[0]  += $b[2]
$a[0]  += $b[3]...etc

but @a ^[+]= @b??

I swear, this whole vector operator thing would be a lot easier to 
understand if everything was vectored or not, ie:

        @a  = @b ^+ @c;

was a syntax error or was optimised to:

        @a ^= @b ^+ @c;

In that case, ^[+]= doesn't really make sense. 


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