--- Ed Peschko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > right, and what does this all mean? I have yet to see a good
> meaning
> > > for 
> > > @array ^[+]= @array2 ...
> > 
> > I think it's this:
> > 
> > @a [+=] @b  -> @a[x] += @b[x]
> > 
> > @a [+]= @b  -> @temp = @a [+] @b; a = @temp;
> > 
> Ok, so the '=' isn't being explicitly vectorized. So - 
>       @a ^[+]= @b;
>       @a = (1,2,3,4); @b = (5,6,7,8);
>       @temp = @a ^+ @b;  = (1+5,2+6,3+7,4+8) = (6,8,10,12);
>       @temp = (6,8,10,12);
>       @a = (6,8,10,12);
> wheras:
> @a ^+= @b;
> $a[0] += $b[0];
> $a[1] += $b[1];
> $a[2] += $b[2];
> $a[3] += $b[3];
> $a[0] = 1 + 5;
> $a[1] = 2 + 6;
> $a[2] = 3 + 7;
> $a[3] = 4 + 8;
> @a = (6,8,10,12);
> ie: they are exactly the same. I'd say that '=' has *implicit*
> vectorization
> here in the array case. 


Under normal definitions, you're right. But under overload, you're
seeing two different sets of operators get invoked?

@temp = @a [+] @b;
@a = @temp;

This invokes N iterations of (multidispatch(operator:+, $a[n], $b[n])),

which likely results in:

N x Some_Class.new
N x Underlying_type.operator:+($a[n], $b[n])
N x Some_Class.operator:=

followed by one invocation of @a.operator=.

Potentially useful if objects should be "rebalanced" or "snapshot" or
"transactionalized" or something whenever a vector operation happens.
Especially where variables are tied, or represent fanciful classes with
simplified interfaces, this will be significant.


@a [+=] @b

This invokes N iterations of (multidispatch(operator:+=, $a[n], $b[n]))
which likely results in (if it doesn't actually IMPLEMENT):

N x Underlying_type.operator:+
N x Some_Class.operator:=

and nothing else.

So there's no "initialize the temp object" or "close down the original
@a TIE" or "whatever" getting invoked. And that can be a win,
database-session-closeout-wise, or whatever your TIE'ing application
happens to be.


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