On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 03:09:40PM -0600, Allison Randal wrote:
: Larry wrote:
: > I'm trying to remember why it was that we didn't always make the first
: > argument of any sub the topic by default.  I think it had to do with
: > the assumption that a bare block should not work with a copy of $_ from
: > the outside.  
: I dug through the archives. We were considering allowing dynamic scoping
: of $_ across subroutine calls (for backward compatibility with p5), so
: we delayed any final call on whether subs topicalize their first
: argument. We've pretty much resolved the first: such an abuse of lexical
: scope should be explicitly marked.
: For consistency, I think the first argument of subs should be the topic by
: default.

This might work now, presuming

    sub foo (;$_ = $=)

(or whatever) is really a binding, and not an assignment.  (That's another
reason why //= is *wrong*--it implies assignment.)

I guess it's almost an epistemological issue.  Suppose you see the
following general code:

    $_ = 1;
    mumble {
        $_ = 2;
    print $_;

How can you know whether it will print 1 or 2?  It will depend on
both the signature of C<mumble>, and the signature of the bare closure
passed to it.  Things that are trying to look like C<grep> or C<map>
obviously want to have a private $_.  Things that are trying to look
like C<if> or C<while> will want to share $_ with the outside scope.

I suspect the bare block has to have a signature like (;$_ = $=) in the
absence of $^a etc.  That means that a bare block always treats $_ as
pseudo-dynamic (by aliasing two lexicals).  That means

    $sub = {
        $_ = 2;

    $_ = 1;
    print $_;

would print 2.

But if the bare block always binds $_ inward, it's the wrapper that
actually decides the issue.  For something if-like:

    sub mumble (&block; $_ = $=) {

For something grep-like:

    sub mumble (&block) {

Oddly, if we make the first argument the topic by default, the second
block actually gets &block as its topic.  That's...strange.  People will
expect it (rightly or wrongly) to be initialized with the outer value,
even if it's just a copy.  Hmm...need to think about this s'more...


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