[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Michael Lazzaro) writes:
> ...the absence of the commas is what's special.  If they were normal
> functions/subroutines/methods/whatever, you would need a comma after
> the first argument

This is plainly untrue. See the "perlsub" documentation, which talks about
"creating your own syntax" with the & prototype. You can do all this in
Perl 5, and it saddens me that some of the people redesigning Perl don't
know what Perl can do.

Look, there are only a few billion people in the world, right?  And they can 
only possibly know a few thousand bits of information not known by someone 
else, right?  So the human race will never have a real need for more than a 
few terabits of storage, except possibly as cache. - Geraint Jones

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