On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 11:23:56AM -0800, Michael Lazzaro wrote:
: On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 11:14  AM, Damian Conway wrote:
: >Larry wrote:
: >
: >>: I agree. As long as it's not C<is slurpy>!
: >>Of course not.  We're trying to encourage the use of line noise,
: >>and discourage the use of the long variants, so the long one would
: >>have to be C<is slurpificatious>.
: >
: >Riiiiiiiiiiight! Thank-you, General Haig.
: >
: >Of course, C<is variadic> (my own preference for the name of this 
: >trait) would probably have much the same effect. ;-)
: Can we get a final answer, for the (documented) record?

No.  I have to wait till Damian isn't looking.


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