Michael Lazzaro wrote:
My own musing was not something that would accept bad XML, but something more geared as a P6-based replacement for the steaming hunk of crap known as XSL. An XML-based derivative that performs XML transformations, allowing/using embedded P6 regexs, closures, etc., and able to more easily translate XML <==> P6 data.

I personally like XSLT, it does its job well, the syntax is verbose but the design is clean. It's a real language though, so it's frustrating until one knows enough to be comfortable (but it does also make much room for baby talk). Mine even has regexen and the such through Perl extensions.

Have you looked at the replacements such as XML::XPathScript or XML::STX? Or others implemented in other languages that could be ported? For XML <=> P6 translations, are you aware of projects like XBind?

There are a lot of wheels out there, I think p6l can't reinvent all of them ;)

While we're stuck with XML, I'm not willing to say we in Perl-land should be stuck with the currently craptacular XML transformation methods being adopted by other languages. :-P

Those of us that like XSLT have very happily adopted it, and in fact we're better equiped to use it than say the Java folks. Those that didn't like it have created alternatives. *shrug* Perl as usual.

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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