Michael Lazzaro sent the following bits through the ether:

> My own musing was not something that would accept bad XML, but
> something more geared as a P6-based replacement for the steaming
> hunk of crap known as XSL ... For example, one of the Very First
> Things I'll be doing with Perl6 is, of course, creating a
> P6-specific companion to ASP/JSP/PHP

While risking the chance of going very much off topic, might I suggest
that you don't wait until Perl 6 to do all these. Sure, Perl 6 will be
all-dancing with beautiful syntax but Perl 5 has the advantage of
being here now and not really that different. You can play with
prototypes and desired syntax now, and get something finished by the
release of Perl 6.0.0 ;-)

Leon Brocard.............................http://www.astray.com/

... Are you asking me out? That's so cute. What's your name again?

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