On Sat, Mar 15, 2003 at 05:32:39PM -0500, James Mastros wrote:
> On 03/14/2003 3:22 PM, Dan Sugalski wrote:
> > That means that TPF's "perl development grant" fund is fine to donate 
> > to, and if there's only enough cash for one grantee, and Larry's the 
> > best candidate, that's keen. Setting up a "Fund Larry Wall" fund is 
> > where things get much less easy.

> [it's not a problem if] there was both a "perl 
> development fund", and a "perl6 development fund".  Then people who 
> wanted to see things like DBI and mod_perl get funded could give to the 
> first, and people who wanted to see Larry, you (Dan), Damian, and the 
> gang get funded (or, unfornatly, some subset thereof, depending on how 

Such a fund would be the ideal but, until it is set up, there is a
very easy way to fund the design team:

Folks, give us your address (or a PO box, or something), where we can
send checks.  The checks won't be tax deductible, but are we really
doing this for the tax deduction?


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