On 2003-06-16 at 17:48:58, Simon Cozens wrote:
>  % grep printf cvs/modules/**/*pm | wc -l
>      15
>  % grep -v printf cvs/modules/**/*pm | wc -l
>   15360
> Well, 0.1% agreed, anyway.

Now, now, that's hardly a fair comparison.  Maybe if you grepped for lines
that contain "print" but not "printf", or simply did a grep -l to count the
number of modules that use printf at all anywhere . . .

I think output formatting is a logical thing to have in the core.  It was the
first thing Perl was used for, after all.   

I don't think we need a special magical way of doing it inside an
interpolation context, though.  I think the less interpolation magic,
the better, and there's already a lot which can go away once we
have $( arbitrary expression ).  I think $( sprintf ) is more than adequate.

The sprintf syntax could perhaps stand to be shorter.  It is unfortunate that 
Perl's string/number duality would make it at the very least awkward to
adopt the Python/Ruby overloaded % operator, which I otherwise like. 
Perhaps we could, by analogy with uc() and lc(), introduce an sf() alias?

Mark REED                    | CNN Internet Technology
1 CNN Center Rm SW0831G      | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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