[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Edwin Steiner) writes:
>    Description: This list is for discussing user-visible changes to
>    the language.
> It's somewhat unnerving to post on topic and (hopefully) politely and

I think your post was spot on; the only problem I had with it is that I felt
it was addressing a problem at too low a level. This could be because I'm a
grouchy old-timer, and I carry over a Perl 5 design principle that says that
changes should be made in as general a way as possible. 

I *want* to solve the sprintf-interpolation problem, but I think it's possible
to get too bound-up in syntax and miss more generic ways of solving the same

A quick review of the early archives of this list might serve to exhibit
the phenomenon. :)

I also think it's possible to get bogged down in low-level details right now,
when the same energy could be used to, say, hash out the MMD "big issue" that
Ziggy mentioned earlier today. I think all that needs to happen at this stage
is that we realise that a nicer way to do formatting in strings would be good,
we look at whether or not it can be done (decently, for *someone*'s definition
of decent ;) with the tools we already have proposed, and if not, flag it as
something to come back to when we need to hammer out the details.

> get a cold (less on topic) reply from someone with "warm feelings". On
> the other hand the sharks might miss the occasional bite...

Unfortunately, it cuts both ways; this is the second post in a row you've
ended with an unnecessary barb. I know I'm no saint as far as that's
concerned, but I also know it doesn't necessary endear people to your point of

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.
                -- Aldous Huxley

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