Austin Hastings writes:
> Perhaps this is one of those places where properties can help. Instead of
> could simply use some ordering properties:
> # Each "broad class" of upcased block is an execution group. The entries
> # in each execution group are not guaranteed to run in any particular order,
> # and in fact may run in parallel on a multithreaded perl.

Would you guys cut that out!  Nothing's running in parallel unless I
tell it to!  Or peraps, Nothing's running in parallel if I tell it not
to!  In either case, it could be an easy, global pragma overridable

If I'm printing debug messages during compilation, say:

    BEGIN {
        print "Before load\n";
    use SomePackage;
    BEGIN {
        print "After load\n";

I don't want to be getting:

    BefAfter load
    ore load

Obviously this is a pathological case, due to the restriction
immediately below, but you can extrapolate to more complex things.

> # However, blocks in the same source file are guaranteed to run in order of
> # occurrence. (Since they're catenated, basically.)
> #
> # Thus, all "BEGIN" blocks in a file are effectively catenated and added to
> # an overall "BEGIN" execution group. All the separate BEGIN entries have
> # the same initial priority(10), so they will run in whatever order suits
> # the P6 runtime.
> #
> # The C<go> property introduces changes to the execution group and/or
> # priority of the block in question. (Note that different priorities may
> # be attached to different blocks within the same file. Doing so creates
> # separate execution bundles, and breaks any guarantees about order of
> # execution.)
> #
> package OtherPackage;
> BEGIN will go <first> {
>   print "first!";
> }

And what's with all the weird notation?  Perl 6 naturally supports this
without adding new syntax:

    BEGIN :first {...}

    BEGIN :priority(5) {...}

I trust that these pairs will be somehow moved into their pair position
after the block by Perl, since named args have to come after positional
args.   There are a lot of functions that take blocks, and writing:

    BEGIN {
        print "I am here: [ ";
            @data ==> map { .join(',') }
                  ==> join ';');
        print " ]\n";
    } :first;

Seems to horribly violate end weight.

> package SomePackage;
> BEGIN will go <after OtherPackage::BEGIN> {
>   print "Second!";
> }
> END will go <priority 5> {
>   print "End block with early priority";
> }
> package ThirdPackage;
> END will go <group BEGIN before SomePackage::BEGIN> {
>   print "I feel really out of place!";
> }
> Comment?

As far as the execution groups, no, I don't think so.  In particular,
because I want:

    use SomePackage;
    BEGIN {

to work without doing some unnecessarily verbose encantation on that

On the other hand, using a flag to indicate that you want a particular
END to be [one of] the very last may be the right way to go.  It's
uncommon enough that the people who need it will be more than willing to
look it up.


[1] And that's really just to make those happy who are efficiency-crazy.
I have a strong aversion to automatic threading, and I don't care if it
takes more than one line to put it in.  In any case, I want control of
my threads, otherwise my sweatshirt's going to come out raveled.

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