Rod Adams skribis 2005-05-14 20:09 (-0500):
> >>o.
> >>O.
> >>this.
> >>self.
> >>me.
> >Not special syntax, meaning you can no longer use these identifiers for
> >your own class. Bad style to use single-letter identifiers, but we know
> >what trouble $a and $b in Perl 5 cause, and the B:: namespace.
> I believe they could all be implemented as a global function that 
> returns $CALLER::?SELF, or however you spell that.

They can, but that does not free up the identifiers for user definition.

I wonder how CALLER::'s $?SELF is written too :)

> >>° (an idea I just had. would likely need a 7-bit option as well)
> >Not on any of the keyboards that I regularly use, and the
> >ascii-equivalent would be \w, which has the problems described above.
> Neither is ¥ (except in Japan, but I don't think that was a deciding 
> factor), which has a 7-bit version that isn't even infix. However, it is 
> in the extended ASCII table, same as « » ¥. so the 7-bit version could 
> just be $?SELF, and act as an encouragement for people to get better 
> editors. With the Windows US-International keyboard layout, it's 
> AltGr-Shift-; Other systems should have standard ways to type it as well.

Yen has an ascii equivalent that is \w, but that doesn't clash with
identifiers because Y is an infix operator. Terms are not expected

There is no "extended" or "8-bit" ASCII. ASCII is 7 bits by definition
and has 128 characters. The character set you're using is called
iso-8859-1, also known as latin-1.

I don't buy the "encouragement to get better editors" thing. Using
digraphs in the editor is extremely poor huffmanization, even though the
end result is short. 


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