Richard (>):
> There seem to be a lot of animals attached to software things, such as a
> camel, but also a penguin and a parrot.
> So how about choosing another animal for perl6?

For some reason, when I think of Rakudo Perl 6, I imagine something
quite close to Futurama's Nibbler.


If an artist could base a mascot out of that, I believe it would be great.

Also, we could use it in a comic strip I've been imagining for some
time now: one where Perl 6 is kept in a cage in some dark caverns,
held prisoner by the Perl 6 Cabal (there's no Cabal) for fear of what
powers it could unleash in the world... crying in a tiny voice:
"releeease me!". :-)

Or we could just go with a hexagonal shape. Hexagons are nice too.

// Carl

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