> From: Guy Hulbert [mailto:gwhulb...@eol.ca]
> On Tue, 2009-24-03 at 11:38 -0700, Conrad Schneiker wrote:
> > Here's my latest suggestion:
> >
> > http://www.athenalab.com/Rakudo_logo_2.htm
> >
> > It combines Damian Conway's suggestions (please see below)
> > and Ross Kendall's suggestions at
> > (http://www.rakudo.org/some-rakudo-logo-ideas).
> >
> > For a smaller sized Rakudo logo,
> > just remove the text between the proposed Perl 6 logo
> > and the Parrot logo.
> For the small logo, you could super-impose the Parrot on top of the
> molecule ... and for pugs:
> http://www.bnpositive.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/starwars-pugs.jpg

That's awful! 

And outrageously hilarious. 

The Yoda image + molecule (aka "hexa-flower") gets my vote for Pugs 
(although it's not my decision to make).

Best regards,

Conrad Schneiker

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