On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 04:23:56PM +0200, Mark Overmeer wrote:
> What's in a name.
> Is it also
>   CPAN is the Comprehensive Parrot Archive Network
>   CPAN is the Comprehensive Pieton Archive Network
>   CPAN is the Comprehensive Pony   Archive Network
>   CPAN is the Comprehensive PHP    Archive Network
>   CPAN is the Comprehensive PRuby  Archive Network
> So, where do you stop?
> Perl6 and Perl5 have some things in common, just like PHP and Perl5.
> Some people say that Perl6 is a different language, not a next
> generation of Perl5.

With parrot supporting many scripting languages and making them
accessible from perl, there is a huge value in having cpan.pm
(whatever it ends up being called) providing transparent access
to all of those and more - regardless of whether they are all in
a single archive or (more likely) a network of archives, each
providing some sub-set of the possibilities.

Taking a valuable module written in another language and rewriting
it in perl has been done many times in the past, but will be less
necessary in the future.  A perl6 sub-class of the original module
will be a much easier task and often provide the specific addition
that is required.

> Do we need to install Perl5 on our system to get access to the
> install tools to install Perl6 modules?

Certainly we need to install Perl5 *modules* until they are *all*
superceeded by Perl6 (or Ruby or Python) replacements.

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