On Tue, 15 Sep 2009, Saravanan Thiyagarajan wrote:

Would like to be a volunteer in working for perl-6.
Can some one help me to get into right direction ?

Sure. The best way to help depends on your skill-set. One place to start is at http://www.rakudo.org/how-to-help

That doesn't cover everything, though. I recommend going to the #perl6 IRC channel (irc.freenode.net) and asking the same question, and telling them your skill-set. They'll be able to give you immediate feedback on the best way to help. If you're unable to access IRC, then please let us know on the mailing list and we can discuss your skill-set here.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
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