Personally, I've always thought that Perl has a very natural and
well-worn feel to it, and deserves a doc markup format that also feels
natural. What works very well for me is [Markdown] (and [Pandoc]'s
Markdown has mostly just the right additions, IMO).


(Note: Pandoc is written in Haskell. For anyone who's interested, I
put up some quick notes on installing Haskell + Pandoc specifically
onto Ubuntu 9.04 at

My own plan is to keep writing my docs in Pandoc Markdown (regardless
of what language I'm working in at the moment), and if I *really* need
POD or Pod, I'll just use Pandoc to convert them to some intermediate
format, and then find a module on the CPAN to convert *that* to POD or
Pod. I encourage others to do the same.

Further, for API-style docs, I've been experimenting with extracting
specifically-marked markdown-formatted code comments and then passing
them through pandoc. For example, maybe something like this:

    # forage
    # ------
    # This function will hunt around for any
    # nuts that may or may not be present on
    # the system.
    # *Warning:* Not compatible with most
    # squirrel-related modules.
    # Args:
    #   * search-radius: default is 5 meters
    #   * default behaviour if confronted by cat ...
    sub forage {
        # ...

It's funny; the Python folks left their previous doc format (LaTeX),
and went in the right direction (IMO), but ended up going with the
less attractive [reST], rather than Markdown.



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