Aaron Sherman wrote:
> You know, this problem would go away, almost entirely, if we had a :f[ull]
> adverb for regex matching that imposed ^[...]$ around the entire match. Then
> your code becomes:
>  m:f/<[A..Z]>+|<[a..z]>+/
> for grins, :f[ull]l[ine] could use ^^ and $$.
> I suspect :full would almost always be associated with TOP, in fact. Boy am
> I tired of typing ^ and $ in TOP ;-)

The regex counterpart of C< say "$x" > vs. C< print "$x\n" >.  Yes,
this would indeed solve a lot of problems.  It also reflects a
tendency in some regular expression engines out there to automatically
impose full string matching (i.e., an implicit ^ at the start and $ at
the end).

That said: for mnemonic purposes, I'd be inclined to have :f do
/^[<$pattern>]$/, while :ff does /^^[<$pattern>]$$/.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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