I'll bite... this concept of "commensurablity" is not one I grasp from
your email.

"functions are (sugarably) degenerate (many to 1) relations and
procedures are (sugarably) degenerate (state-transition) functions."
Perl & many other languages don't have a strong distinction between
functions & procudures (as I'm sure you know), a "function" is a
subroutine returning a scalar, a "procedure" is a subroutine with no
return value, side-effects only. A subroutine returning many values- a
parcel of containers, perhaps, or an iterator, etc- is a
"many-to-many" relation. I understand "relational algebra" from
decades of SQL work, and have seen ORM's replicate relations in object
systems with some success. What's missing for creating a relational
wonderland in perl6?

(Also: "a ton of apples should _not_, in general, be added to 3000 kg
of oranges"- unless I operate a refrigerated shipping line, in which
case all I care is that they are subclasses of "perishables"... Adding
an acre of orchard to a season in the sun might be less
"commensurable", though they could both be subclasses of "gifts to a
lucky winner"... hmmm... what was the point again?)

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