Just Mu would be an amusing Perlish pun based on Muttsu... Making the
interpretation either Perl "six" or Perl "most undefined".

I like yary's idea too.

Frankly, if Perl had an identity, I would not care about the name. I feel
like it lacks that right now.

Aaron Sherman, M.:
P: 617-440-4332 // E: a...@ajs.com
Toolsmith, developer, gamer and life-long student.

On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 3:50 PM, Brent Laabs <bsla...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the summary of the high points, as there were a large number of
> low points in previous discussions.
> Roku is not the only reading for 六 in Japanese, the kun reading is
> muttsu.  So we could become Mupperl.  What's the counter word for computer
> languages, anyway?
> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 12:15 PM, Aaron Sherman <a...@ajs.com> wrote:
>> I think this is a fine place, personally. Past discussions have included
>> these high points as I recall them:
>>    1. Perl is definitely the family name
>>    2. Rakudo started out as the name of an implementation, but started
>>    to wander into being the name of the specific leaf in the family tree
>>    3. Problem is that that leaves us uncertain of the status of
>>    non-Rakudo-the-implementation implementations. Are they now Rakudo too?
>>    That's confusing at best.
>> IMHO, 6 has always been the personal name, but it could be changed to
>> something that's "sixish" without being an explicit number. Normally, I'd
>> recommend Latin, but Perl Sex is probably not where anyone wants to go...
>> Roku is Japanese, but also the name of a popular device, and thus
>> confusing...
>> --
>> Aaron Sherman, M.:
>> P: 617-440-4332 <(617)%20440-4332> // E: a...@ajs.com
>> Toolsmith, developer, gamer and life-long student.
>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 10:41 AM, yary <not....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I recall coming across a post saying the Perl6 name is up for discussion
>>> - searched & found this post now https://6lang.party/post/The-H
>>> ot-New-Language-Named-Rakudo describes it. Is there a forum where the
>>> name's being discussed that I can read?
>>> Woke up this morning with a name proposal that seemed to have a lot
>>> going for it, but from that post it seems Lizmat et al have a good choice
>>> already & I don't want to add to bikeshedding... wondering what the
>>> thinking is right now.
>>> -y

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