Well, for what it's worth, as an outsider - IMHO, leaving "perl" behinds a
good thing. Love it or loath it, we live in a js/python/jvm leaning world.
Perl was great, but it's dated. Why have the baggage? Rakudo is a new
language. Treat it as such - best hope for it. In layman's terms an
informal "Perl V2", ridiculous as that may be to the community.


On 8 Feb 2018 10:18 pm, "Darren Duncan" <dar...@darrenduncan.net> wrote:

My personal favorite resolution is to officially name the language Rakudo,
full stop.

The implementation that was/is using the name would be renamed to something
else so it isn't the same as the language.

Then we say "Rakudo" is a sibling language of "Perl", full stop.

Then "Perl 6" becomes a deprecated alias for Rakudo, used informally rather
than formally from now on, and officially considered a historical footnote
rather than anything still cited in official documentation or marketing.

The unqualified name "Perl" continues to refer to the original lineage
(currently at version 5.x) such as what 99% of the world means when they
refer to it.

Remember, we can still say "Rakudo is a sibling of Perl" for all the
reasons we currently do without actually calling it any kind of "Perl" as
an individual; we don't actually lose the family thing.

For documentation/marketing materials and to help with continuity, we can
typically reference "the Rakudo language, a sibling of Perl", where the
latter part is then more of a description.

This is what I really think should and that I would like to happen.

-- Darren Duncan

On 2018-02-08 12:47 PM, yary wrote:

> ...and "rakudo" even better by that criterion. And then there's how
> "rakudo" is already named in many files, databases, websites, and that's
> enough to make me think it's a "good enough" name. Though I'd like to
> change that implementation's name to something else if we start calling the
> language Rakudo!
> I quite like having the distinction between the language and its
> implementations. No one confuses C with cc, gcc, pcc, tcc, mvcc, XCode, or
> Borland. Using the name "rakudo" to mean the language makes me feel a
> little bad in that it muddies that distinction further, and gives this
> current implementation a special status. A status which it earned, we're
> not talking about calling the Perl6 language "pugs" or "parrot" or "niecza"
> for a reason. /me shrugs.

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