On Jan 18, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Richard Dice wrote:

Thank you for pointing this out

And thanks for reminding me about that, too. It was in my notes, but I forgot to mention it. I *was* wondering what the circumstance was with the Perl-related trademarks the O'Reilly has. But if it's generally:

Basically, the message is:
stay away from using camels.

Well, OK, then :)

I'm going to post the original post I started on this mailing list, along with the notes added by everyone else and perhaps start with some visuals, so as to give everyone more things to play around with. I'll keep everything clean and simple and, release early, release often :)

Thanks, everyone,

On Jan 18, 2009, at 10:05 AM, Richard Dice wrote:

Thank you for pointing this out. This is a reality I've lived with for so long that it didn't even cross my mind to caution others (who haven't been so tied up in the legal and organizational aspects of Perl) when this thread

O'Reilly is the only organization that can have trademarks that incorporate a camel in reference to the Perl programming language. This statement is a first-order approximation, but damn good one. Basically, the message is:
stay away from using camels.

- Richard

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 12:12 PM, <a...@ippimail.com> wrote:

Justin Simoni

You may have to be careful about the camel imagery; I think O'Reilly have a legal lock on camel-related graphics in association with Perl. Richard
Dice can probably give you more details.


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