On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 12:27 PM, Richard Hainsworth
<rich...@rusrating.ru> wrote:
> Before doing any more work on this benchmarking project, I was wondering if
> any one else thinks the effort is worth it.

Assuming that perl6 here == rakudo on parrot, I and others on the
parrot dev team would definitely find these helpful. (Be sure to use a
parrot built with --optimize)

> Although  it is early days, it seemed reasonable to start setting up a
> framework for benchmarking perl6 algorithms against implementations/releases
> and against other languages.

Probably also want to include niecza, assuming the same program can
run on both rakudo & niecza.

> The Alioth shootout is one benchmarking system, with thirteen benchmark
> programs. I have converted one benchmark to perl6 (two programs, slightly
> different). Gradually working on the remainder.
> The results below compare perl, perl6, ruby, php, and python programs. (I
> haven't got java or gcc to work yet). The input data are very small, since
> perl6 is still weak.
> Hopefully the table formatting below will come out properly.
> name    lang    id      n       size(B)         cpu(s)  mem(KB)
> status  load    elapsed(s)
> nbody   python  1       30      1329    0.01    0       0       %       0
> nbody   php     2       30      1333    0.01    0       0       %       0
> nbody   perl    1       30      1556    0.01    0       0       %       0
> nbody   ruby    2       30      1326    0       0       0       %       0
> nbody   php     3       30      1240    0.01    0       0       100% 100%
>     0.02
> nbody   python  4       30      1238    0.02    0       0       0% 100%
>     0.02
> nbody   php     1       30      1383    0.01    0       0       50% 100%
>    0.02
> nbody   perl6   2       30      1320    5.41    206776  0       100% 13%
>    5.42
> nbody   perl6   1       30      1394    5.64    208820  0       32% 89%
>     5.68
> see http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/ for more info on the algorithms.
> There are many factors that can be considered when benchmarking, including
> IO and OS.
> It seemed to me it would be a good idea to fix on some "elegant" form of the
> perl6 implementation. By keeping the program the same, it will be possible
> to track how developments implementations affect speed/memory size.
> The perl6 program is given below. It still retains the form of the original
> perl, the python version is quite different.
> Richard
> # The Computer Language Shootout
> # http://shootout.alioth.debian.org/
> #
> # contributed by Christoph Bauer
> # converted into Perl by Márton Papp
> # converted to perl6 by Richard Hainsworth
> my $solar-mass = (4 * pi * pi);
> my $days-per-year = 365.24;
> #  Globals for arrays... Oh well.
> # Globals introduced to speed up perl.
> # @ns = ( sun, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune )
> my @xs = (0, 4.84143144246472090e+00, 8.34336671824457987e+00,
> 1.28943695621391310e+01, 1.53796971148509165e+01);
> my @ys = (0, -1.16032004402742839e+00, 4.12479856412430479e+00,
> -1.51111514016986312e+01, -2.59193146099879641e+01);
> my @zs = (0, -1.03622044471123109e-01, -4.03523417114321381e-01,
> -2.23307578892655734e-01, 1.79258772950371181e-01);
> my @vxs = $days-per-year <<*<<
>  (0, 1.66007664274403694e-03, -2.76742510726862411e-03,
> 2.96460137564761618e-03, 2.68067772490389322e-03);
> my @vys = $days-per-year <<*<<
>  (0, 7.69901118419740425e-03, 4.99852801234917238e-03,
> 2.37847173959480950e-03, 1.62824170038242295e-03);
> my @vzs = $days-per-year <<*<<
>  (0, -6.90460016972063023e-05, 2.30417297573763929e-05,
> -2.96589568540237556e-05, -9.51592254519715870e-05);
> my @mass = $solar-mass <<*<<
>  (1, 9.54791938424326609e-04, 2.85885980666130812e-04,
> 4.36624404335156298e-05, 5.15138902046611451e-05);
> #  Almost every iteration is a range, so keep the last index rather than a
> count.
> my $last = +@xs;
> @vxs[0] = - ( [+] @vxs Z* @mass ) / $solar-mass;
> @vys[0] = - ( [+] @vys Z* @mass ) / $solar-mass;
> @vzs[0] = - ( [+] @vzs Z* @mass ) / $solar-mass;
> sub advance($dt)
> {
>  my ($mm, $mm2, $j, $dx, $dy, $dz, $distance, $mag);
>  for ^$last {
>    for $_ ^..^ $last -> $j {
>      $dx = @xs[$_] - @xs[$j];
>      $dy = @ys[$_] - @ys[$j];
>      $dz = @zs[$_] - @zs[$j];
>      $distance = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy + $dz * $dz);
>      $mag = $dt / ($distance * $distance * $distance);
>      $mm = @mass[$_] * $mag;
>      $mm2 = @mass[$j] * $mag;
>      @vxs[$_] -= $dx * $mm2;
>      @vxs[$j] += $dx * $mm;
>      @vys[$_] -= $dy * $mm2;
>      @vys[$j] += $dy * $mm;
>      @vzs[$_] -= $dz * $mm2;
>      @vzs[$j] += $dz * $mm;
>    }
> # We're done with planet $_ at this point
> # This could be done in a seperate loop, but it's slower
>    @xs[$_] += $dt * @vxs[$_];
>    @ys[$_] += $dt * @vys[$_];
>    @zs[$_] += $dt * @vzs[$_];
>  }
> }
> sub energy
> {
>  my ($dx, $dy, $dz, $distance);
>  my $e = 0.0;
>  for ^$last -> $i {
>    $e += 0.5 * @mass[$i] *
>          (@vxs[$i] * @vxs[$i] + @vys[$i] * @vys[$i] + @vzs[$i] * @vzs[$i]);
>    for $i ^..^ $last {
>      $dx = @xs[$i] - @xs[$_];
>      $dy = @ys[$i] - @ys[$_];
>      $dz = @zs[$i] - @zs[$_];
>      $distance = sqrt($dx * $dx + $dy * $dy + $dz * $dz);
>      $e -= (@mass[$i] * @mass[$_]) / $distance;
>    }
>  }
>  return $e;
> }
> multi MAIN( $n ) {
>  energy.fmt("%.9f").say;
>  advance(0.01) for ^$n;
>  energy.fmt("%.9f").say;
> }
> multi MAIN('test') {
>  use Test;
>  plan *;
>  is energy.fmt("%.9f"), -0.169075164, 'energy 0';
>  advance(0.01) for ^123;
>  is energy.fmt("%.9f"), -0.169044806, 'energy 123';
>  done();
> }

Will "Coke" Coleda

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