On Mar 15, 2015 1:26 AM, "Moritz Lenz" <mor...@faui2k3.org> wrote:
> When I run your code with perl6-m (Rakudo with the MoarVM backend), I get
> ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/moritz/Ellipsoid.pm6
> Variable '$class' is not declared
> at /home/moritz/Ellipsoid.pm6:154
> ------>   my( $classā¸¸, %args ) = @_;
> Which is because my() (with parens immediately after the 'my') is being
> interpreted as a subroutine call, not a declarator.
> Somehow, this still very much looks like Perl 5 code to me :-)

I know.  As I said, I am embarrassed to show how little progress I've made.

> > 2. A pointer to perl 6 debugging.
> * use the MoarVM backend :-)


> * For runtime errors, https://github.com/jnthn/rakudo-debugger/ can help
> you.


Thanks so much, Moritz Now I have more tools to move along to my goal.

Warmest regards,


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