We're going to have a problem if "infinity" is not allowed in the presence
of some programmers. "All values" can mean too many things in too many
situations. And I don't think using * works here, quite, precisely because
it can mean too many things.

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 1:32 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com> wrote:

> On 9/26/18 11:34 PM, JJ Merelo wrote:
> >
> >
> > El mié., 26 sept. 2018 a las 23:31, Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users
> > (<perl6-users@perl.org <mailto:perl6-users@perl.org>>) escribió:
> >
> >     You can set a limit to the number of items (words) you want to
> >     retrieve: you will get only the first $limit words.
> >
> >     If you don't supply any limit, Inf can be thought as the default
> >     value for the number of items, i.e. there is no limit and the
> >     routine will return as many words as it can from the source input.
> >
> >
> > And this is one of the things I love Perl 6 for, its consistency.
> > Infinity is literally no limit. Using it meaning "no limit" is genius.
> > Not "0 in this case means no limit" or "-1 means no limit" or "this
> > constant meaning unavailable" or whatever. Infinity has no limit, we use
> > them as a parameter to imply that argument has no limit.
> >
> > Cheers
> >
> > JJ
> Hi JJ,
> The more I learn about Perl 6, the more I prefer it over Perl 5.
> To your list, I might add, everything starts counting from zero
> (Perl5 m/ starts at $1).  So no guessing!
> My problem with the default set to Inf is that Inf means a number
> too large for the numbers of bits allocated to the variable to
> handle.
> RTFM: https://docs.perl6.org/type/Num#index-entry-Inf_%28definition%29-Inf
>       The value Inf is an instance of Num and represents value that's
>       too large to represent in 64-bit double-precision floating
>       point number (roughly, above 1.7976931348623158e308 for
>       positive Inf and below -1.7976931348623157e308 for negative Inf)
>       as well as returned from certain operations as defined by the
>       IEEE 754-2008 standard.
> So how am I suppose to enter that as a value?  What it really means
> is "all of them".  "Inf" is just a poor way of stating "all words"
> as the default.  "A tremendously large numbers of words" is just
> a weird way of saying "all of them".
> And yes, I am blanking on how to best clean that up. We have no
> value (that I know of) for "all".
> -T

brandon s allbery kf8nh

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