On 9/28/18 4:36 PM, Curt Tilmes wrote:

On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 7:23 PM ToddAndMargo <toddandma...@zoho.com <mailto:toddandma...@zoho.com>> wrote:

    How about just:

           When used as an argument, the value Inf (Infinity)
           represents "without bound" or "no limit".

    That would have certainly tipped me off

I think you are trying to tie its meaning as an argument to the value itself.  That isn't really how it works.
Inf is just the value higher than any other value.

Its interpretation as an argument is dependent on the routine it is an argument to.

For .words($limit), you could say that passing in Inf for a $llimit (the default) would keep making words with no limit.

In some other method,  it could have some other meaning.

I could say for my foo($x) function that passing in $x=Inf causes it to throw an Exception (or even  print out "yowza" or whatever.)  That's up to the way I want to use it for my function.

For a limit, it makes sense that if you count up to a value, that passing in Inf for that value would mean that you never reach it, since it the value is infinite.


Hmmmm. More thinking required.

Thank you!

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