On 9/30/18 9:11 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

But I thought you just implied you wanted pro stuff, not beginner stuff.

I have no idea how you got that out of what I said.  I want the
beginners stuff included with the pro stuff.

So what is wanted is 'common user' stuff (see below).

You are mixing socialist political terms with what I
am stating.  By "common user" I mean a typical user.
The term was meant to differentiate typical users from

Actually, I do not understand what you are saying at all, eg., 'I have know how to use ...' is not clear.

Again, I have no idea how you got that out of what I said.
When I use a function all the time, I know who to use the
function.  The problem was that I could not reverse engineer
the documentation.  In other words, I figured out how to
use the function from other sources than the documentation.
Had I used the documentation, I never would have figured it out.
That is the issue.

But I am confused about what *you* want from the reference documentation.

I think maybe there is a translation issue between your native
language and mine.  I have been very clear what I am
after, so I won't repeat it yet again.

    3) when calling other term to explain things, it should
       pick the easiest term available. It should not pick
       any nasty, advanced terms.  (Unless the writer enjoys
       confusing the reader and bragging about how smart
       he is.  And he is a jerk.)
This does not seem to be correct English.

You are again missing the point.  It is wonderful if the writer
wants to share an interesting, complex way of doing things.
But only AFTER he explains it in is simple terms.  You don't
share a calculus equation with someone until after you
teach them the fundamentals of arithmetic.

We come again to this category: 'the common user'. This person (possibly there are more) is not a 'beginner' nor a 'pro'. What is to be expected of a 'common user' of perl6? Can we assume that a 'common user' has read an introduction to perl6?

You are mixing socialist political terms with what
I am saying again.

Perl 5's perldoc did a wonderful job of this.
I never liked perldoc. 'To whom how', as they say in Russian.

I find perldocs from the command line a total pain in the butt.
Fortunately, it is repeated on web beautifully.

I have been posting RFE about this as they come up.
So I am trying to be part of the solution instead
of constantly gripping about the problem.

Indeed this discussion has, at times, been gripping, but I hope you don't think I have been griping. ;)

I think that there is a translation and maybe a cultural difference
that has lead you to misconstrue my statements.  That or you are
just trying to pick a fight.  Your "buffoon in the White House"
statement is definitely trying to pick a fight.

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