This could only too easily become a flame war, so I am replying once and will not answer again unless it is about substance.

The Perl6 community is warm, generous, and intellectually inspiring. Those virtues should be defended against unseemly and intemperate language. Calling a documentation writer a 'jerk' is wrong.

On 03/10/18 07:40, ToddAndMargo wrote:
On 9/30/18 9:11 PM, Richard Hainsworth wrote:

But I thought you just implied you wanted pro stuff, not beginner stuff.

I have no idea how you got that out of what I said.  I want the
beginners stuff included with the pro stuff.
Yes the best of all worlds, and it must be short. Demand the impossible and complain when it does not happen. There are a number of people trying very hard to balance the contradictions of writing documentation. We need to support them and offer constructive suggestions. Clearly my post was wrong because you did not *think* about what I said, only reacted negatively to my British sense of humour.

So what is wanted is 'common user' stuff (see below).

You are mixing socialist political terms with what I
am stating.  By "common user" I mean a typical user.
The term was meant to differentiate typical users from
Where did 'socialist' come from? You said 'common user' and I was trying to elicit from you what it meant. But as it happens I do not think that 'socialist' is a negative word, and for many people it means an emphasis on society and community (as in this very valuable Perl6 community) rather than on solitary individuals.

Actually, I do not understand what you are saying at all, eg., 'I have know how to use ...' is not clear.

Again, I have no idea how you got that out of what I said.
I quoted your words from your post. They are in quotes. Your use of English grammar is not standard, and consequently it is ambiguous.
When I use a function all the time, I know who to use the
you know 'who to use' or 'how to use'? It would be useful for you to read what you have written for mistakes before clicking on the 'send' button. That way, other people can understand you better.
function. The problem was that I could not reverse engineer
the documentation.
  In other words, I figured out how to
use the function from other sources than the documentation.
Had I used the documentation, I never would have figured it out.
That is the issue.
This use of 'reverse engineer' is obscure. But if you mean that you had to read around a bit in order to understand, I suggest that this is quite a normal intellectual activity. That is why repeatedly it has been suggested that you read a book.

But I am confused about what *you* want from the reference documentation.

I think maybe there is a translation issue between your native
language and mine.  I have been very clear what I am
after, so I won't repeat it yet again.
My native language is English. I was born to English parents, went to school in Leeds, went to University in London, studied computer science and economics in Birmingham, spent 20 years editing and translating into English from Russian in Moscow. I speak and write Russian, and I am learning Cantonese.

I do get it: you are following the example of the current crop of political leaders in the US. When someone demonstrates - as I did in the previous post, and in this one - that your English grammar and spelling are slovenly, you throw back the criticism as if I am guilty of the same, and charge that my native language is not English.

So no it is not a translation issue. What you want is not clear because (a) you do not write clearly, (b) you ask for different things at different times, (c) you assume that the world is predominantly the same as you, when it is not.

    3) when calling other term to explain things, it should
       pick the easiest term available. It should not pick
       any nasty, advanced terms.  (Unless the writer enjoys
       confusing the reader and bragging about how smart
       he is.  And he is a jerk.)
This does not seem to be correct English.

You are again missing the point.  It is wonderful if the writer
wants to share an interesting, complex way of doing things.
But only AFTER he explains it in is simple terms.  You don't
share a calculus equation with someone until after you
teach them the fundamentals of arithmetic.
I did not miss the point. You deleted the part of my response where I agreed that there should be simple examples. You also deleted the part where I pointed out that calling someone a 'jerk' is not polite. It is possible to get carried away by beauty and elegance and forget the need to start with simple things. That might make the explanation cryptic; it does not make them a jerk.

We come again to this category: 'the common user'. This person (possibly there are more) is not a 'beginner' nor a 'pro'. What is to be expected of a 'common user' of perl6? Can we assume that a 'common user' has read an introduction to perl6?

You are mixing socialist political terms with what
I am saying again.
Where did socialism or politics come from? Is this some sort of insult? The term 'common user' is yours. I asked if we could expect a 'common user' to have read an introduction.

You may not be aware, since you do not learn from reading books (you said it, this is not an inference or insult), but when an author or writer sets out to write something, there has to be effort to define the intended audience. That is why there are children's books, and reference books, and dictionaries, and so on. You are saying that this documentation should be for the 'common user', so what is that?

Perl 5's perldoc did a wonderful job of this.
I never liked perldoc. 'To whom how', as they say in Russian.

I find perldocs from the command line a total pain in the butt.
Fortunately, it is repeated on web beautifully.

I have been posting RFE about this as they come up.
So I am trying to be part of the solution instead
of constantly gripping about the problem.

Indeed this discussion has, at times, been gripping, but I hope you don't think I have been griping. ;)

I think that there is a translation and maybe a cultural difference
that has lead you to misconstrue my statements.  That or you are
just trying to pick a fight.  Your "buffoon in the White House"
statement is definitely trying to pick a fight.
Actually, I was using British humour to show that you had not spelled the word correctly. The participle form of the verb 'gripe' is 'griping' - if you were to have used a dictionary of the English language before sending your post, you would have discovered this. The particle form of the verb 'grip' is 'gripping'. You said in your post, which you cite, 'instead of constantly gripping about the problem'. It is clear you meant 'griping'. No translation problem on my part, just a spelling problem elsewhere. Or perhaps a problem in using a dictionary?

Like I said at the beginning, I will not respond again if the response is an 'ad hominem'.

The reason I justify this response is (a) intemperate and insulting language would erode the value of this community if allowed to go without response, (b) there are substantial questions to be faced in writing documentation, which should not be overlooked because they are raised in an intemperate manner. I do believe that the Perl6 documentation is going in the right direction, and I find it mostly useful. I know from the interaction on this Forum that there is a willingness and desire to improve.

It seems to me that the documentation needs to accomplish several contradictory things, and because they are contradictory, there will always be an opinion about how to do better. These contradictions are - I think and in line with what the docs themselves say - as follows:

- being concise, whilst being comprehensive

- finding a balance between terminology that is specific to Perl6 (eg. signatures), which should be known to the intended user, and making explanations understandable to someone who has not yet entirely comprehended the whole of the language -- This is a real problem. All programmers know functions transfer data, and in most languages this is indicated using parameters in brackets after the function name. But I expect many experienced programmers will not appreciate the extra information being conveyed in signatures in the Perl6 documentation, and how to unpack it. -- My suggestion would be to enhance the introduction to point to specific chapters/sections that are crucial to understanding the whole. The current section 'about the docs' does not quite do this. Perhaps there should be a section called 'how to use the docs'?

- using examples that illustrate a topic as simply as possible, yet also including examples that show how expressive some language component can be when combined idiomatically with other components of the language. In a sense this is very similar to dictionaries that illustrate a word as used by well-known authors and stylists. The choice of sentences is a part of the art of dictionary compilation.

- finding a way to cross-reference components of the language, to aid someone find the answer to a question that may be vaguely formulated. -- I think that the current docs do this very well. The search tool works well. But sometimes, I do not remember exactly what to look for, and I have to try several keywords to hit on the right one. Some form of context-sensitive help would be useful, but this is - I recognise - a non-trivial task.

aka finanalyst

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