On 12/15/20 7:00 AM, Parrot Raiser wrote:
Raku allows for several different programming paradigms; procedural,
functional, (as in languages like LISP), and object-oriented. It is
possible to write purely procedural Raku, while ignoring O-O features
completely, though it does take some dodging.

Object-oriented.programming first surfaced in the mid 1960s in
research projects, but was more generally visible by 1980. Like all
new programming concepts, it was going to cure cancer, bring about
world peace, and produce bug-free software. (And didn't, of course.)
It naturally had its specialised jargon, designed to ensure tribal
solidarity and repel infidels. It gradually spread with languages like
C++, (1979-83),  but remained a niche concept until Sun introduced
Java in 1995.


With the success of Java, later Javascript, and other new languages,
O-O and its jargon became
sufficiently mainstream that even many programmers working with other
languages learned the terminology. I suspect that many programmers
trained since the mid-90s assume that it's the only way to code, and
that objects and classes are inherent parts of everyone's universes.

If you were discussing the assembly language for bicycles, any
documentation could reasonably assume an understanding of frames,
wheels, pedals, and bell-cranks. Equally, any discussion of
object-oriented features can reasonably assume an understanding of
generic concepts like objects, classes, and inheritance, provided it
points out local weirdnesses. Repeating all the basics would make the
text cumbersome.

Perhaps the best approach would be a hyperlink to a generic
description (of which there are probably thousands already on the Web)
the first time a terms is introduced. The naive could follow it to
enligtenment, while the cognoscenti would not be distracted by it.

That would be an excellent way of doing it!

Loved the prose in your writing too!

Thank you!

I have been reading Perl5 tutorials on what classes
and objects are.  Since we do not have references
pointers, its is going to be fun.

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