I like the "lean and mean" approaches.  The rationale for Moo
compatibility for PDL3 development was the thought that
roles provide an elegant method to support much of the
desired functionality for PDL.

If single inheritance is sufficient, the Mo looks good.  For
PDL3 compatibility, maybe we should develop some
style guidelines for Mo code that will work as Moo code


On Tue, Oct 28, 2014 at 1:25 PM, Vikas N Kumar <vi...@cpan.org> wrote:
> You can also use Mo and inline it into your module if you just want to
> write neat and object oriented perl.
> On 10/28/2014 01:18 PM, Chris Marshall wrote:
>> I see you've already gotten help with citation...
>> I see that HackaMol is Moose based.  Since I was looking at
>> a Moo-compatible PDL3 core, I was wondering if HackaMol
>> would work using the Moo functionality alone?  Moo has the
>> advantage of being much smaller and lightweight if you don't
>> need to do meta-object protocol stuff.
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