
As the draft stands now, it needs more detail and contributions to be helpful.  
If folks are interested, please contribute.

IMO, It would have to be broken down further in terms of the types of 
encryption and cost/benefits.  

For instance, KMIP (yes, I know this is not an IETF standard) is on an upswing. 
 So is the general statement on cost of PKI specific to transport encryption?  
How does OS factor into this and help with the cost/benefit?  We should know 
more soon through efforts like Let's Encrypt and Fedora having IPsec 
unauthenticated tunnel mode on by default (I think in version 23).

What requests are SPs getting in regard to encryption (transport, application 
data or data at rest) and what are the hurdles?  

Operators may not be hanging out on this list, so maybe a post with the types 
if info you are looking for to build this out should go to opsawg with a 
pointer to the list you think this should be discussed on.


Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 13, 2015, at 5:28 PM, Stephen Farrell <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> 
> wrote:
> Folks,
>> On 13/03/15 20:52, Tim Bray wrote:
>> This was about to expire so I was going to refresh it but uploader is
>> closed of course.  See
>> https://www.tbray.org/tmp/draft-bray-privacy-choices-01.html
>> Just a reminder that if this group wants to do anything in this space, my
>> editorial services are available.
> I'd be interested in opinions as to how/whether we ought process
> this.
> Ta,
> S.
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