The thread has become too deep for me to read, hence the top posting.

Barry's question is the right one: What do we gain by changing?

  1) Reliability and Availability

   Barry, you should know that this crap about petsc.cs being backed up is
farcical. We
   would have the same situation we had with the first 10 years of PETSc
history again.
   BB is definitely more reliable in terms of backups, uptime, and
connectivity (SSH issues).

   2) Better management support

   The infrastructure for supporting user permissions is better on BB. We
don't edit a file,
    calling a script someone hacked together. We have accounts, and when
accounts are
    shut down they go away. A user can manage his SSH key independently of

Those for me make it a slam dunk. However, I will ask the question in
reverse: What do we
give up? I think the only thing we give up is the security blanket of being
able to log in
ourselves and mess with a machine directly.


On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Barry Smith <bsmith at> wrote:

> On Feb 9, 2012, at 11:15 PM, Sean Farley wrote:
> >
> > Even if you were right about this specific issue (which you are not) it
> doesn't matter. All you've done is removed the need for a releases
> subdirectory. What about tutorials subdirectory, externalpackages
> subdirectory, anothercoolthingwethinkofnextweek subdirectory.
> >
> > Why does the *server* have to have the subdirectory?
>    Because I want to have a bunch of repositories organized in a
> hierarchical manner. You response seems to be:
> 1)   no you don't want that   or
> 2)  you should put them all in one giant repository   or
> 3) have them in different bitbucket accounts (like a petsc account and a
> externalpackages account) that have nothing to do with each other.
>   Just admit that not supporting a directory structure at bitbucket is
> lame and stop coming up with lame reasons why it is ok. Then get bitbucket
> to add this elementary support and we'll be all set.
>   Barry
> >
> > $ hg clone bb://petsc/anothercoolthing
> subdirectory-that-can-suck-eggs/anothercoolthing
> >
> > Please explain to me the real reasons bitbucket is better than petsc.cs.
>  and stop rationalizing around bitbuckets weaknesses. Every choice has some
> tradeoffs and I haven't heard much about bitbuckets advantages so I am
> confused why you guys are so in love with it. (Well I understand Sean's
> reasons, being pretty lazy myself :-)).
> >
> > I'll let Jed explain about forks and have the reverse look-up (how many
> people have forked petsc). For me, it's drop-dead simple management.

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener
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