When I run MUMPS in parallel with parmetis ordering (icntl(28)=2,
icntl(29)=2), everything seems to work fine.  However, if I try to run it
serially it reverts back to metis ordering and seems to get caught in some
kind of infinite recursion.  I've run it through valgrind and attached the
output.  Also I attached it to a debugger and the stack is enormous when it
hangs, something like 10,000 frames deep.  You can sort of see that from
the valgrind output towards the end.

My question is: who do you suspect to be at fault here?  Is it a bug in
MUMPS, metis, or PETSc?  My suspicion is MUMPS.  This is with the
PETSc-automatically compiled MUMPS, metis, and parmetis, retrieved today.

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