As a follow-up, if I break at the call to metis inside mumps
(metis_nodend_), the argument adjncy=0x0.  I guess I'll be emailing the
mumps list about this.


On Mon, Feb 20, 2012 at 12:48 PM, John Fettig <john.fettig at> wrote:

> When I run MUMPS in parallel with parmetis ordering (icntl(28)=2,
> icntl(29)=2), everything seems to work fine.  However, if I try to run it
> serially it reverts back to metis ordering and seems to get caught in some
> kind of infinite recursion.  I've run it through valgrind and attached the
> output.  Also I attached it to a debugger and the stack is enormous when it
> hangs, something like 10,000 frames deep.  You can sort of see that from
> the valgrind output towards the end.
> My question is: who do you suspect to be at fault here?  Is it a bug in
> MUMPS, metis, or PETSc?  My suspicion is MUMPS.  This is with the
> PETSc-automatically compiled MUMPS, metis, and parmetis, retrieved today.
> Thanks,
> John
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