Yes, I use this one.
I do specify serial partitioning. Basically all parameters are the same, but 
mumps from petsc just hangs.

I work with ldlt factorization.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Sean Farley" <>
To: "For users of the development version of PETSc" <petsc-dev at>
Subject: [petsc-dev] Problem with MUMPS+metis
Date: Mon, Feb 20, 2012 20:42
Which version are you using?
The only version of metis supported officially by mumps is metis 4.0.3 which 
contains METIS_WND and was removed in favor of more arguments to METIS_ND. See 
my patch submitted here:
Search on their mailing list indicates others were successful in linking 
serially. Did you specify the option for mumps to use serial partitioning 
(through petsc options), out of?curiosity?
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