On 12/14/2007 02:17:22 AM, Henrik Johansen wrote:
Hi list,

We are experiencing a steady flow of BAD state error messages that I cannot explain.

I continue to have problems with (Microsoft) hosts that
violate the 2MSL TCP rule (STD7, RFC793, page 27
"Knowing When to Keep Quiet").  I strongly suspect
that MS is setting the MSL to 1 minute rather than the
2 minutes of the standard.  (I don't know about Vista,
which supposedly has a new TCP stack.)  This causes
pf to see state errors.

It would, *urp*, be nice if pf had a way to
specify the MSL in the scrub directive to
work around the brokenness.  I've had to replace
a lot of stateful rules with stateless filtering.
Not only is it ugly and less secure that way, but
diagnosing the problem is a real pain in the butt.

I can't say if this is your problem.  I ran the
following script against your log after I did a
random check and saw a 1 minute interval during
which a particular sourceip/sourceport/destip/destport
was failing.  The script (kinda) does a frequency analysis
on how long the bad state persists on any particular
connection.  The results tell me nothing.  Maybe
somebody else will have better luck.


export IN=/tmp/messages.sanitized

cat $IN \
  | grep ' BAD state: ' \
  | cut -d ' ' -f 11-12 \
  | sort -u \
  | while read conn ; do
      #echo $conn
      cat $IN \
        | grep "$conn" \
        | awk 'BEGIN {fst = ""; };
               {if (fst == "")
                  fst = $3;
                lst = $3;
                #print $0;
               END {
                 #print fst, lst;
                 gsub(":", " ", fst);
                 gsub(":", " ", lst);
                 fststmp = mktime("2007 12 13 " fst);
                 lststmp = mktime("2007 12 13 " lst);
                 print lststmp - fststmp;
    done \
  | sort -n \
  | awk '# Do frequency analysis
         BEGIN {print "Seconds Count";
                l = "";}
         {if (l != $0) {
           if (l != "" ) {
             print l, c;
           c = 0;
           l = $0;
          c = c + 1;
         END {print l, c;}

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