Please - Daniel - kill this thread. It is not providing anybody any more worth.


Dennis wrote:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wouter Clarie) wrote in message

Ah, so I see that posting private emails to you on the list is among
your repetiore. Very impressive. Too bad you can't make your point
with product features.



And a private reply (sent this already, but it appears to be lost).

Very interesting, by the way. (ahum)

Oh, and I suggest we just ignore this troll from now on. He obviously has
nothing to contribute to this list.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 17:09:42 -0400
From: Dennis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Wouter Clarie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: pf/altq on a fast link

At 03:48 AM 06/05/2003, you wrote:

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003, Dennis wrote:

"FREE" isnt really cheaper when you spend $1000's worth of your time
to make it work, and then end up with an inferior solution when you're

I think, if you need $1000s worth of time figuring this out, perhaps you
shouldn't be doing this kind of stuff at all. So that's probably your
market share.

You are one voice on the list.What you mean is that YOU arent interested,
and thats because you dont need it, or maybe you have already figured it
out. My country is a free one, so take a flying leap if you dont like what
I do, because I can do whatever I want and I don't care about stupid
people who think that they can do everything themselves with
cobbled-together sofware. Judging from the increase in web hits and demo
downloads when I make such a posting, I'd say that there are a lot of
people who are interested.


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